
Salary Slip Generation

Every employee expects an “Official” Salary Slip from her/his employer at the end of every month. If the company uses HRMS software, it will normally have this feature.

In practice, most organizations use Payroll Module of their Accounting System or Excel for Payroll Calculations. These systems do not generate, and email Salary Slip to Employees.

Our solution generates Salary Slips, stores them for Compliance, and emails them to respective employees. It is currently being used by 20+ organizations.

The salient features are:

1. Extract Data for Salary Slip: The macro extract employee information and the salary data from the salary register sheet. Employee information can also be kept in a Master Sheet.

2. Generate Salary Slip: Individual salary slips for each employee using a predefined template or format are generated. The template is customized for every organization.

3. Save each salary slip as a PDF file in a designated folder. It is saved without password so that HR can open the files for quality check as and when required.

4. Excel does not have an inbuilt feature for printing a password protected PDF. For Password protection, an external dot NET DLL is used in the macro.

5. Outlook client is used to send email to respective employees automatically. The email setting is configured in the configuration sheet of Excel.

6. Personalize the email body as needed (e.g., include salary of the month, attachment, etc.)

7. Ensures error handling to address any issues that may arise during the process (e.g., invalid email addresses, missing data, etc.)

8. An option to Test-Generate Salary PDFs for few employees randomly to verify that the PDF files are generated correctly and contain accurate information.

9. Quality Assurance: Macro checks that emails are sent and delivered with the appropriate attachments and content.

10. A log with details of generated salary PDFs with the total count, filenames, and date of generation is created for records purpose.

Please Email or WhatsApp us if you would you like to see a demo of this solution.