
Performance Appraisal Data - Extraction to Visualization

The Performance Appraisal of employees is still conducted via Excel files. HR Department distributes a blank format. But it gets 100+ Excel files filled with Performance Appraisal data. The HR Team faces the task of extracting and collating this data manually. Doing it manually is arduous as well as prone to human errors.

We automate this challenge with Excel Macro based solution. “Extract Data” is the only button HR needs to press. The salient features and benefits are:

1. Simplicity: Just copy all filled up files to one folder. Thats it.

2. Data Extraction: Press the button “Extract Data.” The Tool opens all files in the folder one by one. It extracts data from the pre-specified cells. This data is then posted on a pre-defined column of an Excel file where all data is collated into a cohesive format.

3. Human Readable Report: The extracted data is collated in a report like “human readable” format. This format is easy for the HR team to work on.

4. Log: Creates a log of files from which data has been processed. This facilitates knowing which files have still not reached them.

Using Modern Excel features, we upgraded this solution for several customers. Here are the details.

1. Transform & Harmonize: We transformed the collated data into “Excel-Readable” Tables using Power Query. The data was cleaned and harmonized using Power Query.

2. Analysis: The transformed data was loaded to a Data Model. Using several Master Tables, relationships were created. DAX was used to generate KPIs. Power Pivots were used to generate dynamic reports to identify trends and generate actionable insights.

3. Visualization: The Performance Data analyzed via Data Model was linked with Power BI model to create interactive dashboards. This provided comprehensive insights to take strategic HR decisions

We have provided this solution to several organizations.
Please Email or WhatsApp us if you would you like to see a demo of this solution.