
Script Programming in Excel

Learning script programming in Excel is immensely beneficial as it empowers users to automate repetitive tasks, streamline complex data processes, and unlock advanced analytical capabilities.

Scripting languages like VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) enable the creation of custom functions, automated reports, and dynamic dashboards, enhancing efficiency, reducing errors, and providing a competitive edge in data-driven decision-making. Mastering scripting in Excel not only saves time but opens up a world of possibilities for customized, powerful, and scalable solutions tailored to specific business needs.

We provide a customizable course according to your company’s requirements. Click on the pdf below for more details on this course!

1. Duration

8 hours

2. Objectives

  • Introduction to Excel Scripting

  • Excel VBA Fundamentals

  • Advanced VBA Programming

  • JavaScript Add-ins for Excel

  • Excel Automation and Integration

  • Real-world Applications and Case Studies

  • Q&A and Expert Panel Discussion

The course is totally hands-on. No theory! No PowerPoint presentation. Throughout the course you practice the skills on Excel. The exercises are based on real life data scenarios.

3. Pre-requisite

You must have worked on Excel for at least 12 months.