
Power BI - Essentials

Learning the basics of Power BI equips individuals with the essential skills to transform raw data into meaningful insights and dynamic visualizations. This proficiency enables efficient data analysis, report creation, and interactive dashboard development.

Mastering basic Power BI functionalities empowers professionals to make informed decisions, enhances productivity, and provides a valuable edge in data-driven roles across various industries.

We provide a customizable course according to your company’s requirements! Click on the PDF after the article for further information.

1. Duration

8 hours

2. Objectives

  • Introduction to Power BI

  • Visualization Basics

  • Power BI Service Usage

  • Report Building

  • Custom Visualizations and Themes

  • Power BI Dashboards

  • Power BI Service and Mobile App

  • Real-world Applications and Case Studies

  • Q&A and Troubleshooting

The course is totally hands-on. No theory! No PowerPoint presentation. Throughout the course you practice the skills on Excel. The exercises are based on real life data scenarios.

3. Pre-requisite

You must have worked on Excel for at least 6 months.