
Power BI - Advanced

Developing an advanced skillset in Power BI is immensely beneficial as it empowers professionals to extract deeper insights and drive more informed decision-making from complex datasets.

With capabilities such as advanced analytics, custom visualizations, and data-driven storytelling, individuals possessing advanced Power BI skills become pivotal contributors to organizational success, providing a competitive edge in transforming data into actionable intelligence for strategic business decisions.

We provide a customizable course according to your company’s requirements! Click the PDF below for further information.

1. Duration

16 hours

2. Objectives

The course aims to transform your experience and engagement with Excel.

  • Power BI Fundamentals Recap

  • Advanced Data Modeling

  • Advanced Data Visualization Techniques

  • Power Query Advanced Techniques

  • Power BI Service and Power BI Desktop Integration

  • Advanced Analytics in Power BI

  • Power BI Governance, Security, and Data Refresh

  • Real-world Applications and Case Studies

The course is totally hands-on. No theory! No PowerPoint presentation. Throughout the course you practice the skills on a file. The exercises are based on real life data scenarios.

3. Pre-requisite

You must have worked on Excel for at least 12 months.