
Modern Excel - The Essential Skills

A customizable course according to your company’s requirements.

1. Duration

1 day (2 sessions of 3.5 hours each).

2. Objectives

The course aims to make an Excel user benefit from the inbuilt capabilities of Excel, rather than using it as a mere electronic spreadsheet application for TYPING reports.

  • The course starts from the foundations of TYPES and SOURCES of data as accepted by a cell in Excel. The focus is on inbuilt calculations and formatting capabilities.

  • The course delves into the concept of Absolute and Relative Reference while calculating numbers and handling non-numeric data via formulas and functions.

  • It covers all aspects of working with Cell, Range, Worksheet, and workbook. The course introduces the power of PIVOT TABLES, and IF and VLOOKUP functions.

  • The course is totally hands-on. No theory! No PowerPoint presentation. Throughout the course you practice the skills on Excel. The exercises are based on real life data scenarios.

3. Pre-requisite

You must have worked on Excel for at least 3 months.