
Macro Programming in Excel

Learning macro programming in Excel is immensely beneficial as it empowers you to automate repetitive tasks, increase efficiency, and enhance data analysis capabilities.

By mastering Excel macros, you can streamline complex workflows, reduce errors, and gain a competitive edge in handling large datasets, ultimately saving time and boosting productivity in your professional endeavors.

We provide a customizable course according to your company’s requirements. Click on the pdf below for more details on this course!

1. Duration

3 Days

2. Objectives

After Excel VBA Course you will be able to write the VBA programming and it will save your time where you can record the daily task. The primary objective is to learn how to automate your daily tasks and reports through VBA Macro Programming.

  • Getting Started with VBA Excel

  • Working with Procedures and Functions

  • Understanding Objects

  • Using Expressions, Variables, and Intrinsic Functions

  • Controlling Program Execution

  • Working with Forms and Controls

  • Working with the PivotTable Object

  • Debugging Code

  • Handling Errors

The course is totally hands-on. No theory! No PowerPoint presentation. Throughout the course you practice the skills on Excel. The exercises are based on real life data scenarios.

3. Pre-requisite

You must have worked on Excel for at least 12 months.