
Data Model, DAX and Power Pivot - Advanced

Expertise in DAX for Excel is highly beneficial as it empowers professionals to unlock the full potential of data analysis and reporting.

Proficiency in DAX allows for the creation of sophisticated calculations, advanced aggregations, and dynamic data models, enabling more accurate and insightful decision-making.

With DAX skills, users can efficiently manipulate large datasets, handle complex relationships, and build dynamic dashboards, making them invaluable contributors to data-driven strategies and enhancing their overall effectiveness in roles involving business intelligence and analytics.

Click on the course outline for further details.

We provide a customizable course according to your company’s requirements!

1. Duration

16 hours

2. Objectives

  • Review of DAX Fundamentals

  • Context in DAX

  • Advanced Data Modeling Techniques

  • Advanced Time Intelligence in DAX

  • Performance Optimization and Best Practices

  • Advanced Variables and Error Handling

  • Advanced Real-world Applications and Case Studies

3. Pre-requisite

You must have worked on Excel for at least 2 years.